German Car Specialist Bellevue

Our expert mechanics and specialists provide German car repair for King County and Bellevue, including the following manufacturers: BMW, Audi, Porsche, Mini Cooper, Porsche, Volkswagen, and Mercedes-Benz. We are highly qualified mechanics with decades of experience in maintenance and repair for these German vehicles, and consider them our specialty. Auto Werkstatt is here to be the best German auto repair company in the area, providing an extremely high level of service with reasonable costs. You can trust us with your prized German car to provide all kinds of services just like the dealership. Whether you need inspection and diagnostics services, timing belt and chain replacements, or engine repair and rebuilding, our master mechanics are the most qualified German and European car specialists in the King County area.

german auto specialists bellevue

German Auto Repair Bellevue

While many German cars are some of the most technologically advanced consumer cars available to purchase in America, this also comes with the tradeoff of needing to have replacement parts imported from Germany and needing special expertise to work on them without causing damage. It’s very ill-advised to have someone who is not familiar with German car makes start fiddling around with your prized BMW or Porsche, or use parts that are not specifically designed or approved for use in your Audi or Mercedes-Benz. We are proud to not only offer excellent repair and diagnostics services for your German vehicles, but do so at a reasonable price so you don’t have to break the bank to fix your car’s engine, brakes or timing belt. We provide simple services like oil changes and brake replacement, but also have the expertise for more complex issues like engine rebuilding, suspension repair, clutch replacement and much more. We’ll get you back on the road and enjoying your fantastic German car.

German Car Repair Bellevue

We’d love to discuss what you need for your German car and help you out with repairs or diagnostics as needed. You can book a standard service online or give us a call if you have something more specific to ask about, and we’ll be happy to get your appointment scheduled. We have an easy to find shop location with plenty of parking so you can drop off and pick up easily, and we always make sure you are kept up to date on the status of your vehicle for any intensive or longer repairs. You can trust us as your go-to choice for German auto repair, give us a call today or view some of our online reviews!

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